Alexa Seleno

Belgrade Pride Submits Bid for EuroPride 2022

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Belgrade Pride has officially submitted its bid to host EuroPride 2022.  It delivered a bid book to the European Pride Organisers Association (EPOA) outlining the history of the organisation, a summary of LGBTI+ life in Serbia, Belgrade as a mesmerising tourist destination and, crucially, the key arguments for hosting EuroPride in the Western Balkans. […]readmore


Belgrade Pride Theatre Festival to launch during Pride Week 2019

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Belgrade Pride is organizing the first LGBT+ themed theatre festival during Pride Week, which will be held from September  10thto September 14th 2019. Conceived by Belgrade Pride’s member organisation, Heartefact, as an annual event with the aim to raise the visibility of the LGBT+ community, the festival explores the various aspects of the LGBT+ […]readmore


First Birthday of the Pride Info Centre

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] The opening of the exhibition “Love” by artist Martin Stamenković marked one year since the opening of the Pride Info Centre in Belgrade. More than 15,000 people visited during that period, and helped join the fight for the rights of LGBT members who belong to the community. As Pride Centre Coordinator Jovan Ilić told […]readmore


Belgrade Pride in solidarity with the first Pride in Bialystok

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] In the city of Bialystok, in the east of Poland, the first Pride Parade was held. Unfortunately, the event did not take place without any incidents. About four thousand right-wingers and hooligans attacked the participants. They threatened the activists, insulted them, and even physically assaulted them. The slogans like “God, honour, homeland!”, “Bialystok free […]readmore


Why is it important for me to remember the genocide

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Today marks the 24th anniversary of genocide in Srebrenica. In the genocide and in the area near Srebrenica, over 8,000 people were systematically killed, whereby people are still looking for thousands of remains. 8372 to be exact… In Potočari 33 people will be buried today. Among them, the youngest victim was just 16 years old. I hear this […]readmore


Solidarity with the LGBT+ community in Turkey

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Pride parade in Istanbul has been banned the fifth year in a row, and a peaceful gathering on the 30th of June near Taksim square was followed by excessive use of force by the police, firing rubber bullets and tear gas. This kind of behaviour towards the LGBT+ community is part of everyday life […]readmore


First LGBTI job fair was held, over 250 jobs offered

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Bengaluru – LGBTI job fair, organized for the first time in India, attracted more than 250 people looking for employment with companies such as Intel, Goldman Sachs and Uber.  The event in Bengaluru, in southern part of India, was organized after the Supreme Court of India overruled the 2018 law banning homosexuality, enabling companies […]readmore