The slogan of Belgrade Pride 2024: "Pride is People"
Belgrade Pride 2024 will be held under the slogan "Pride is People" with the intention ofreminding all our fellow citizens that LGBTI+ persons are just people who suffer from the
same problems as everyone else, but with additional challenges caused by homophobia and
transphobia. Pride Week will last from September 2 to 8, and the Pride March will be
held on September 7 at 4 p.m.
This year, as in previous years, we want to remind the public that LGBTI+ people exist
throughout Serbia and that they regularly experience violence and discrimination. This is
why we once again wish to remind everyone of the demands of Belgrade Pride, which have
stayed unchanged for a full decade, but are not receiving the support of those who have the
power to adopt them:
- Adoption of the Law on Same-Sex Unions
- Adoption of the Law on Gender Identity and Rights of Intersex Persons
- Quick and adequate reaction of state authorities and public condemnation of
government representatives to hate speech and crimes motivated by hatred against
the LGBTI+ community - Adoption of local action plans for the development of the LGBTI+ community
- Apologies to all citizens of Serbia who were persecuted before 1994 because of their
sexual orientation or gender identity - Education of young people about sexual orientation and gender identity
- Rapid and readily available pre- and post-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP and PEP)
covered by the state social insurance - Ministry of Labor, Employment, Veteran and Social Affairs to urgently standardize the
service of Field Associate
This year's Pride Week, which will take place from 2 to 8 September, will include a range of
cultural, artistic and educational events, such as the Theatre Festival, exhibitions, panel
discussions, debates, parties and community talks. The Pride March, scheduled for
Saturday, September 7 at 4 p.m., begins and ends in the "Manjež" park in Belgrade, where
this year's concert program is planned after the walk itself.
We would like to remind you that last year's Pride walk was the most massive with more than
8,000 participants and that no incidents were recorded, so we invite all our fellow citizens to
join us this year and to walk together for a Serbia where we are all equal and safe.
The complete program of the Pride Week, as well as all the news related to the walk,
concerts and other parts of the program, can be followed on the official website of Belgrade
Pride www.prajd.rs, as well as through the official communication channels on X (Twitter),
Instagram, Facebook and TikTok, under the username @belgradepride.