Pride info center vandalized again
Unknown perpetrators threw red paint on the window of the Pride Info Center and the Belgrade Pride logo. The incident happened in the night between May 26 and 27, and it is the 18th attack on the premises of the Pride Info Center in Belgrade.
We demand from the police and other competent authorities to immediately prosecute the perpetrators of this attack. We also demand that they send the services to clean the paint and cover the walls and thus show the public that vandalism and attacks will not be tolerated. We remind you that the police solved only two cases of attacks on the Pride Info Center, out of a total of eighteen, and only in those cases were the perpetrators sanctioned. Recent tragic events tell us about the growth of hatred, violence and intolerance in Serbia, and that hatred and violence largely aimed at the LGBTI+ community, since last year's ban on EuroPride and physical attacks on participants and activists.
We see this attack as an attempt at intimidation and a threat, but we are not intimidated, we are not afraid and we are not hiding under masks like our attackers. We resolutely continue to openly promote the values of non-violence, democracy and equality for all citizens and continue to fight for all those who suffer violence, who are afraid and who live in smaller, conservative environments.